Cruising amongst the Venetian Villas

River Brenta originates from Caldonazzo Lake and flows southward down the Valsugana region and up until Bassano. It then runs through
a valley to reach the northern part of Padua where it splits into two branches. One branch of the river continues its journey to Venice whereas the other branch, the well-known Naviglio del Brenta, follows its winding path to Noventa Padovana through Stra, Fiesso, Dolo, Mira, Fusina and finally ends its course by flowing into Venice.  “Noventa Padovana used to be the fluvial port of Padua,” says Alessandro Berto, captain of the M/n Freccia, a boat that sails along the river Brenta, “Here is where, centuries ago, boats coming from Venice would stop and both passengers and goods would be brought to Padua by carriages. When in 1209 the works on the Piovego Canal were completed, the fluvial port of Portello di Padova was finally connected with Naviglio del Brenta and Venice.”

Here is where, centuries ago, boats coming from Venice would stop and both passengers and goods would be brought to Padua by carriages.
Alessandro Berto

“Nowadays, sailing along the river Brenta has brought to the area numerous economic benefits”, says Alessandro, “About sixty thousand people visit every year our Villas and dine at the restaurants or stay at the hotels that dot Riviera del Brenta. And whilst Il Burchiello operates every day from March until October covering the line Padua – Riviera del Brenta – Venice, and back, there are also several other services and boats that can be hired for excursions, group tours or events, with one day or half day itineraries.”


Alessandro Berto

Captain of the motor-vessel Freccia

Scegli la tua esperienza di viaggio nella Riviera del Brenta



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